
Prof. Dr. Ken Takahashi
Director of the Asbestos Diseases Research Institute, Australia
Shiga University of Medical Science, Japan.

Papers :
  • Strategies & Challenges Towards Total Asbestos Banning
  • Asbestos Related Diseases-Recent findings from Research & Current Practice

Dr. Stephen Thevananthan Jambunathan
Consultant Psychiatrist
The Mind Faculty, Malaysia

Papers :
  • Below the Tip: An Insight into How Psychological Problems Effect Functionality at Work

Prof. Dr. Tim Driscoll
Director, Master of Public Health
Sydney School of Public Health, University of Sydney, Australia.

Papers :
  • Global burden of Occupational Disease/Exposure Assessment
  • Occupational Exposure Assessment

Associate Prof. Dr. Alison Reid
Occupational Epidemiologist, Public Health Specialist, School of Public Health
Curtin University, Australia

Papers :
  • Migration, Work and Occupational Exposure in Australia